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Clinton County Reads 2025 Print
Active ImageA special book-to-film theme to celebrate 20 years of Clinton County Reads features the classic children's novel, The Hundred and One Dalmatians.

The 2025 selection by author Dodie Smith was published in 1956 and has inspired numerous animated and live-action screen adaptations. The library will show the Disney animated classic at its Monday Night Movie at 5 p.m., April 14.

The kickoff program for the event will be a panel discussion, 101 Reasons to Read Children's Literature, at 6:30 p.m., Monday, March 24, at the Wilmington Public Library.

The month-long event features book discussions and programs at all of the county's public libraries. The closing dinner takes place at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 24, at the Wilmington Municipal Building Community Room and is catered by Chef Jen Purkey. The dinner features a presentation, Finding Families for Thousands like Perdita, by Clinton County Humane Society volunteer Katie Cox. Please call Trail Haus at 937.475.0681 to make your reservations by April 21.

Copies of the book are available at all of the county's sponsoring libraries and bookseller.

Clinton County Reads is sponsored by the Blanchester Public Library, Sabina Public Library, Wilmington Public Library, and Books 'N More.

Homeschool Book Club Print
Active Image
Crafty Creations Print
Active Image Spring is just around the corner, and to get in the spirit of the season, Crafty Creations in March features a few different garden decor items.

Each participant at this month's gatherings will have the opportunity to paint ceramic planters, sculpt flowers from hair clips, and turn rocks into ladybugs and bumblebees.

Creative adults are invited to attend Crafty Creations at 6 p.m., Tuesday, March 25. Registration is required. Please visit or call the library at 937.783.3585 by March 21 to register for the program.

Crafty Creations is always free, and supplies — and instruction — will be provided.

Adult Take-and-Make Print
Active ImageThe sun will begin making a more regular apparance one day soon. We promise.

And just to be prepared for that day, the library is featuring a Beaded Suncatcher for the March Take-and-Make.

Each Take-and-Make bag contains all the supplies necessary to make a Beaded Suncatcher.

Just follow the included instructions, and you will be ready for the sunny days to come.

Visit the library and grab a free bag.

Booklovers Discussion Print
Active Image The Blanchester Public Library Booklovers meets next at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 3, in the library meeting room when the group will discuss the Clinton County Reads 2025 selection. Everyone is welcome to attend.

April title:
The Hundred and One Dalmatians
by Dodie Smith

Pongo the Dalmatian and his wife, Missus, undertake a daring expedition to rescue their puppies from the clutches of the vicious Cruella de Vil.
Monday Night Movies Print
Active ImageIn conjunction with Clinton County Reads 2025, the library will show a Disney classic in April.

We will be showing 101 Dalmatians for our Monday Night Movie at 5 p.m., April 14.

The free family-oriented movie showings also include free pizza and popcorn.

Clinton County Reads 2025 runs from March 24 through April 24, with events centered around The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith.

Re-visit the story of Pongo the Dalmatian and his wife, Missus, as they undertake a daring expedition to rescue their puppies from the clutches of the vicious Cruella de Vil.

For more information, visit the library or call 937.783.3585.

Brick Builders Print
Active ImageIf you want to show off your Lego-building skills or if you just want to have fun building with your friends, the library is the place you want to be from 6-7 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month.

The Brick Builders meet next March 27 in the meeting room.

Youth ages 5 and up are invited, but we do ask parents to accompany children 7 and under. Legos will be provided, although donations are welcome to help our collection grow. Donations may be dropped off any time at the front desk.

For more information, contact Youth Services Coordinator Amber Chaney at 937.783.3585.

Tax preparation Print
Active ImageThe library is taking reservations for free income tax assistance provided by AARP.  Time slots are available on Tuesdays through April 8.

You are asked to bring the following items to your appointment, which will be in the library meeting room: a photo ID, social security card, last year's tax return, all pertinent forms showing sources of income and deductions.

Slots usually fill up quickly, so call the library at 937.783.3585 to sign up as soon as possible. blue was designed 2006 by Karsten Oltrogge:
Homepage of Karsten Oltrogge:

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